Real Estate School
Join our programs to accelerate your career!
"A resource of Master CE classes that
focuses on your SucCEss"
Zoom/Live Onsite
Join our programs to accelerate your career!
"A resource of Master CE classes that
focuses on your SucCEss"
Zoom/Live Onsite
Cathy McDaniel, has had a far-reaching career that includes over 30 years in the real estate industry, more than 19 years of teaching experience and is known as a subject matter expert and consumer advocate in homeownership. She has authored more than 300 training manuals, met and trained more than 200,000 real estate professionals and has conducted more than 4,000 live classes since 2007. During 2024, more than 60,000 agents registered for a class through Eventbrite. Cathy is an approved
"Certified Distance Education Instructor".
Today Cathy has earned a 5-Star rating with Google from her students. She is the recipient of the 2019 Gwinnett County “Best of 2019 Corporate Campus”, 2016 GREEA “Outstanding New Program Course”, 2008 GREEA “Educator of the Year”.
Her motto: “Autograph your work with Excellence!”
Reviews from Her Students - 5 Star ***** Google Rating based on 200+ reviews!
Cathy offers continuing education, 25-hour post license course, Georgia Law Curriculum, Realtor Code of Ethics, a variety of certificates and designations in the principles and practices of real estate. Classes are offered livestream with Zoom, self-paced online and live onsite locations sponsored by the #1 builder in America, D.R. Horton East and West, Rockhaven Homes, and DRB Homes. Other partnerships in education: Silverton Mortgage, NewAmerican Funding, CATIC, Parkway Title, Ohlson and Medlock, LLC Law Firm.
Register and complete your study or get a license any time, anywhere and on any device.
Review the calendar and register now! Review self-study classes now!
404-550-0775 classeswithcathy@gmail.com
To schedule or host a class send us an email request. We are happy to provide education opportunities!
To purchase eBooks click here.
As an instructor, my goal is simple:
To create learning success stories, one student at a time.
Cathy's mission is to embrace the pursuit of excellence in training to develop exceptional business leaders in their chosen field of expertise, building a community of subject matter experts modeling professional ethics. Are you a beginner, expert or somewhere in between? Not to worry! Cathy offers a variety of high-quality courses in many subjects related to real estate. Each designed to ensure the student continues to be competent in their professional and career growth.
2025 Learning Experience Platform
NEW! All classes will include a digital download to learning material, audio lecture recording link, assessment form and useful online tool folder.
Visit: Class Calendar | Pricing | Registration
All agents and business owners in all states are welcome to attend.
Visit: Self-Study Course Selection | Pricing | Registration
Text-Based Learning. This is a self-study format. Students learn on their own schedule and can log in and out as desired from home, work or anywhere with internet access. The course is divided into short pages that you click through, and there are periodic quizzes to help you remember what you read.
As your leading source for information, she will tell you what's happening, provide helpful tools, and resources to address and overcome today's housing challenges. Her cutting-edge training and events are designed to prepare today's real estate practitioners for tomorrow.
Classes with Cathy McDaniel will provide what you need to adapt and structure your business model for success!
"A resource where a CE class is the focus of your SucCEss.!"
A Wide Range Of Courses Are Available
2025 Future-Ready Leaders
With uncommon qualities, characteristics and information intelligence, future-ready leaders will drive their business to adapt, connect resources and people will excel whatever the future brings to the housing market.
Attracting Business Instead of Chasing Business!
Future-ready leaders will combine future-focused strengths which will anticipate changing realities and drive themselves and their business with purpose.
What's Different?
Content is free, data is everywhere, Homeownership is still a national priority...it just looks a little different today than 10 years ago. It's time to adapt! Meaning...brokerages and real estate practitioners must overhaul not only leadership development, but the culture of their business. Paving the way to business success includes, uncommon new skills to adjust to the fundamental shift in housing. Consumers want to work with experts not generalist.
Creating your niche as a housing product specialist, connecting with the community you live and serve, branding with intention to one of the 7 generations and perfecting your elevator speech is a guarantee for a banner year in 2024.
"Autograph Your Work With Excellence!"
404-550-0775 classeswithcathy@gmail.com
Click here to view calendar and
register for a class.
Contact Cathy below for additional course titles and availability.
Need help?
Email: classeswithcathy@gmail.com
Text: 404-550-0775
The real estate field has become increasingly complex and the pace of change so rapid that continuing education is a logical step for ensuring that your skills and knowledge stay current and viewed as your commitment to ongoing professional development for your customers and clients.
Click here - Live Zoom Video Conferencing eLearning CE Class Calendar & Registration - Real Estate
Any state
Everyone welcome!
Click on the course title to review and register.
Click here - Georgia Real Estate Commission 404-656-3916 grecmail@grec,state.ga.us
Click here - Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Click here - HUD/FHA
Click here - Fannie Mae
Click here - Freddie Mac
Click here - VA Administration
Click here - USDA
Click here - EPA - Realtors
Need help?
Email: classeswithcathy@gmail.com
My C.E. Class, LLC | #5914
Procedures for CE Classes
Register and complete your study or get a license any time, anywhere and on any device. Review the calendar now!
2025 Learning Experience Platform
NEW! All classes will include a digital download to learning material, audio lecture recording link, assessment form and useful online tool folder.
Advance registration is required.
Live desktop eLearning platform.
Zoom.us is the platform provider.
How to Join your Class Meeting
Sign into your Zoom account - join.zoom.us
Click on “Join a Meeting” top of screen
Type in Meeting ID: ____ - ____-____
Password ______
And you are in the class!
Registration and Enrollment
Period Guidelines
Some classes may require a registration fee which is due at time of registration. No refunds will apply once registration is complete.
In the event you are unable to attend the class date you registered for; you may postpone your session date to any time within 6 months of original enrollment.
Registration fee may be transferred to another class topic.
Transfer and/or make up request should be sent to classeswithcathy@gmail.com
Want to schedule a private or sponsor a class send an email: classeswithcathy@gmail.comb or
Text: 404-550-0775
To view the upcoming live class calendar schedule: Click here.
To view online self-study online courses:
Need help?
Email: classeswithcathy@gmail.com
Text: 404-550-0775
Click here - HousingWire
Click here - DS News
Click here - Mortgage News Daily
Need help?
Email: classeswithcathy@gmail.com
Text: 404-550-0775
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
ATTENDANCE POLICY - Live Stream Virtual Classroom
Attendance is visually monitored the same as in a physical classroom setting. Your camera must be on throughout the meeting.
Students are fully responsible for the performance of your own technology including audio volume, video clarity, reliable internet connection and are responsible for scanning any and all downloaded materials received online. You must be in attendance for the entire class.
At the conclusion of your virtual class, Zoom’s interaction and engagement tracking report will provide who joined, when you joined the meeting, when you left the meeting, how long you attended, what device you used to join the meeting, the chat box activity which is required to issue continuing education credits. If you pull up any other video, Facebook, website, email, YouTube during the class that places Zoom in the background or in a secondary position your score will be less than 100%. You will not receive your CE credits.
There will be Polling Questions through the meeting for you to respond to. At the conclusion of the meeting 5 Evaluation questions will be presented for answering. ZOOM will provide ALL 3 reports which are required to issue CE credits.
1) Students must have the camera on their device turned on during the entire class with face visible (attendance verification requirement). You must be in attendance for the entire program to receive your CE credits.
2) The class event will be begin promptly at its scheduled time. Students should be prepared and logged in or arrive at location at least 10 minutes early so they are ready to begin the class at the designated time.
3) Students should remain stationary in a room free of distractions during a virtual class. For example: No walking, driving, talking on the phone or to someone else in the room, cooking, etc. Turn off all cell phones, tables and laptops. Put aside all personal business.
4) Students will have their audio off by default. Audio may be enabled on student’s part should they wish to ask or answer a question. Students may type any comment or question in their chat box or enable audio to speak. Questions are encouraged!
5) No recruiting for employment is allowed during class! You must report any efforts of recruitment to Cathy McDaniel, classeswithCathy@gmail.com.
6) There will be a 15-minute break during a 3-hour CE. A 6-hour CE class will have two 15-minute breaks (AM and PM) plus a 1-hour lunch break. Be on time for class after breaks.
7) Your CE credits will be uploaded to the Real Estate Commission (if approved course) within 3 business days.
8) Dress code - business attire.
9) The school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, familial, or handicap status in the establishment of fees, entrance qualifications or standards for successful completing of any course. We provide equal access to our CE classes and do not discriminate on the bases of race, color, national origin, sex, disability and age.
Tardiness – when a student arrives late more than 10 minutes after the start of the class can stay for the course, however they will not receive any CE credits.
Technical support available: Text Message: 404-550-0775, Email: classeswithcathy@gmail.com
Contingency Plan regarding technical issues: You may attend another class date at no cost. Each class is recorded and available.
The school takes the full responsibility of not tolerating any act of falsifying data or fabrication of information, forge (fake/copy) signatures) i.e., name, license number, etc.
Falsification could result in the revocation of your real estate license.
Need help?
Email: classeswithcathy@gmail.com
Test: 404-550-0775
Doug Ohlson - 770-814-8828 doug@omfirm.com
Committed to a smooth execution of real estate closings in Greater Atlanta and a recognized track record of success to commend us. - Residential and Commercial
Jennine Hunter, Eric Dunlap, Nick Murrone
Subject Matter Experts in community banking.
"At United, we build Community, one homeowner at a time!"
Ivonda Mitchell
Internet Sales Team Lead
Delivery the American Dream of homeownership since 1978.
Review calendar and register for a class.
Weekly Zoom and Live Onsite
Continuing Education Credits
Designation Courses, Real Estate Topics
Jerry Elinger 404-510-3469
Sharon Mason 404-218-1422
Terri Madden 427-704-5639
Silverton Mortgage provides all types of mortgages, downpayment assistance and renovation loans.
The Drexler Team
Chris Drexler
We're a partnership created between new construction financing and working with buyers and sellers. We provide the best mortgage experience possible, featuring incredibly rates, fantastic customer service and a fast, simple process.
Silverton Mortgage
Homeownership Center
Terri Madden
National Director of Community Lending
175 Country Club Drive, Stockbridge, GA 30281
Offering a variety of consumer and real estate practitioner education.
Providing real estate training, licensing, and continuing education.
Mon | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Tue | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Wed | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Thu | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Fri | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Sat | Closed | |
Sun | Closed |
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 9:30AM - 12:30PM
Sunday: Closed
Sign up to hear from us.
Real Estate Education
Classes are conducted by Live ZOOM or Live Onsite Locations.
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